Coinvestor Convert

Coinvestor Convert

What is Convert ?

Coinvestor Convert is a simple tool for users to buy or sell cryptocurrencies with just a few clicks. Users can get a Coinvestor convert quotation instantly on the website. The conversion price will be based on the current market price.


Conversion Order Type: Market Order

Conversion Fee : Approximately 0.1% (Shows up to 6 decimal places)

- The fee displayed on the screen is the Estimated Fee Amount.

- If the conversion amount is small, the fee may appear as zero.

  • List of cryptocurrencies supported by Coinvestor
From To
Bitcoin(BTC) Tether (USDT)
Ethereum(ETH) Tether(USDT), BTC
Tether(USDT) BTC
Dogecoin(DOGE) Tether(USDT), BTC
Ripple (XRP) Tether(USDT), BTC
USD Coin (USDC) Tether(USDT)
Polygon (MATIC) Tether(USDT), BTC


How To Use Convert

1. Click [Wallet]


2. Click [Convert]

3. Select the cryptocurrency you want to convert in the [From] field and enter the amount

  • If you click the [MAX] button, the total amount of the selected cryptocurrency is automatically entered.

4. Select the final cryptocurrency you want to convert in the [To] field

  • When you select the cryptocurrency to be converted, an estimated amount is automatically calculated and displayed.

5. Click [Convert]


6. Confirm the conversion amount and conversion fee on the Confirm screen

7. Confirm and click [Convert]

  • The estimated conversion quotation screen will remain for 30 seconds, so if you want to convert, please click the [Convert] within 30 seconds.


[Tip] Conversion Fee : Approximately 0.1% (Shows up to 6 decimal places)

- The fee displayed on the screen is the Estimated Fee Amount.

- If the conversion amount is small, the fee may appear as zero.