Authentication Level

Authentication Level

How to complete required authentication by level 

Please follow the process for required certification by level.



Level 1 (Sign-up)

1. Click the [Sign-up]


2. When you complete sign up, it is automatically created as a Level 1 user.

[Tip] If you want to check your level, please follow the process.

: Click on your [profile] icon in the top right corner of Coinvestor > Click on [My accounts] >  [Authentication Level]

[Caution] Level 1 is a user level that is automatically created when you sign up for a service. The practical use of CoinVester's service is available from Level 2 users. Please upgrade to Level 2 which is essential for using the service. The instructions for upgrading to a Level 2 user are below.




Level 2 (SMS & Google OTP)

[Tip] Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security procedure that adds SMS verification & Google OTP verification to further secure your account by verifying that the entity attempting to log in is the actual owner of the account. At Coinvestor, Level 2 verification is equivalent to 2FA verification, and after completing Level 2 verification, you can make withdrawals and move on to Level 3 (KYC) verification.

1. Click [Profile] button in the upper right corner

2. Click [My Account]

change password1.png

3. Click 'Level 2 Authenticate' under Authentication Level at the bottom of the My Account page

lv2 authenticate.png

4. Enter phone number (Select country code)

5. Click [Send Code]

6. Enter SMS verification code

7. Click [Next] to move on to the Google OTP verification


[Tip] If you did not receive an SMS verification code, please check the items below.

1. Please make sure your mobile phone number is entered correctly.
2. Please double-check that your mobile number is a previously registered one.
3. Please check your mobile settings to see if you have rejected international numbers

If you still do not receive the code after checking the above steps, please contact the support  center.

Coinvestor Support Center :


8. To proceed with Google OTP authentication, launch 'Google OTP Authenticator' on your mobile and scan the QR code or copy and paste the verification code. 

Google OTP.png

[Tip] The mobile Google OTP Authenticator application is required to complete Google OTP authentication. Please download it before proceeding with this authentication.


9. Enter the 6-digit numeric code issued by Google Otp Authenticator and click Complete

Google OTP code enter.png


[Tip] If you want to reset Level 2 Authentication, please contact the support center.

1. Send your OTP/SMS reset request via

2. Verification code will be sent to your Coinvestor account email address.

3. Then Follow the guided procedures.

[Caution] If you want to withdraw, deposit, and purchase strategies, you must upgrade to Level 3 through KYC certification. Please check the contents below for how to upgrade Level 3.




Level 3 (KYC Authentication)

[Tip] KYC (Know Your Customer) verification is an identity verification system that is implemented for the purpose of preventing money laundering and crime prevention in overseas financial institutions, virtual currency or cryptocurrency trading markets. In Coinvestor, Level 3 certification is equivalent to KYC verification.

[Caution] If users do not proceed with KYC certification, Withdrawal, Deposit and strategy purchase may not be possible. When proceeding with KYC certification, you need to authenticate with your passport to complete.

1. Click [Profile] button in the upper right corner

2. Click [My Account]

change password1.png

3. Click 'Level 3 Authenticate' under Authentication Level at the bottom of the My Account page

3. numbering lv3.png

4. Select country of Residence

4. country of residence .png

5. Enter Personal Information

5. personal .png

6. Start your Lv3 verifrication

6. start.png

7. Choose issuing country / region of your ID and select ID type.

[Caution] When proceeding with KYC certification, you need to authenticate with your passport to complete.

7 issuing country.png

8. Choose an upload method8. choose upload method.png

9. You will be guided through KYC verification, please follow the steps to complete the verification.

  • After completing the authentication, press 'Ctrl + f5' to force a refresh. 
  • To check your KYC authentication progress, you may check by clicking the Level 3 ''Authenticate'' button in the My accounts > Authentication Level section.

[Caution] KYC verification time varies depending on the verification method and the accuracy of the submitted data (photo, information, etc.). In general, it can take as little as 3 days and as much as 2 weeks or more.